My weekend in Czech Republic

Leaving my German responsibility was pretty nice this weekend. I came back to Czech Republic in the evening and when I finally had some free time it was already almost 10 PM. We wanted to go this night dumpster diving in České Budějovice because there was a Food Not Bombs lunch on Saturday. And we didn’t have any vegetable for cooking yet.

Let me explain you what is Food Not Bombs. It is a global movement  that donate free vegan/ vegetarian food and also point out spending tuns of money on militarization instead of beating hunger. It is volunteer based and food comes mainly from donated food / dumpstered food. Food not Bombs serve to anyone who is hungry. You can check it out where is the nearest FNB in your country!

The FNB in České Budějovice is a pretty new thing (they started during Christmas 2015) and I am pleased that I can help them.

It is not easy to find enough food for cooking because it is not easy to get wasted food in Czech Republic. This night I came to containers with my boyfriend , there were already two other guys who are not involved in FNB activity but they try to feed themselves. We waited for our FNB chief but the others started to dumpster food and they have taken it to the other side of the street to sort it. It was incredible – such a pile of expensive cheese, high quality ham, sausages, baked goods as rolls and doughnuts, prepared food in boxes … but any vegetable/ fruits.

We were there either too long or more likely someone in the high-rise apartment building was too bored and called police. Yeah, it is awesome when you try to help people and save food and you are yourself in trouble. Luckily me either my boyfriend were not caught but one of the other guys probably was.  What a police could do with you when they find you dumpster diving? It is not a big deal actually (in Czech Republic, České Budějovice) you would have to pay fine ( 200 – 1000 Kč) = (8 – 42 USD) at least the guys told me that.

I wouldn’t say that this night wasn’t succesful, we have taken a lot for ourselves but nothing for FNB. At least someone donated us old potatoes which could be used.

On Saturday morning we contacted others from FNB and find out that we don’t have tu prepare much because we got another donation in form of vegan chilly con carne. The final result was a soup made from all our’s donations with donated bread. And it tasted really good.

Free food was distributed at 13:00 as every Saturday in České Budějovice, Na Sadech by fountain.

You are welcome to join us next time.

P.S. Take your own bowl and a spoon.



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